Martes, Abril 19, 2011

Work Behavior that Keeps Your Boss Happy, and Makes Him Like You


The ABC's of Work Behavior

1. Attentive
2. Bold
3. Calm
4. Depend
5. Energy


- Learn to be attentive at work.
- Listen to instructions.


- Being bold means being able to face your fears.
- This also means you are willing to fail and learn from failure.


If your personality is quite naturally a calm one, this working behavior is easy. If you have a tendency to panic or you have the tendency to be temperamental then you need to work harder.

Remember if something tough is for you to tackle, create a plan to solve it. Everything else short of solid action will be inefficient use of your energy. Your bosses want someone who can help to clean the mess. You shouldn’t be part of the mess. Remain calm and composed at all times. This behavior will have your boss take a second look at you. Soon you will become someone he can depend on.


When you become a competitive advantage for your boss, your boss will like you. He/she will become dependent on you. Strive to become someone your boss can depend. How do you make this work? For starters, be a good listener and be someone your boss can trust.

Do not be tempted to get involved in office politics. The best way to stay away from office politics is to shut up.


This work behavior isn't just about physical energy. It also means mental energy. It also means infectious energy. This means you have a work behavior that can energize your unit. You are passionate about your work. People like working with you, as you seem to have endless energy. Ever noticed how a person in the office that has energy always gets the better assignments? That’s because their energy is the boss’s competitive advantage.

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