Huwebes, Abril 28, 2011

Attending ESL Classes

I attend English classes at a language program in my city because I want to improve my communication skills. English has become the international language around the world, and I might be able to get better employment and make more friends if I learn to speak fluently. I take four classes a day that all focus on different language skills including reading, writing, listening, speaking, and grammar. I think that some people have a natural ability to pick up a language and master it, but I don't think I fit that group. Actually, learning to speak English well requires a great amount of effort, patience, and practice. Too often, students speak English in their classes, but they go back to using their native language after school ends. In fact, if you want to adjust to a new culture, you should make it a point to study, review, and practice everything you are studying. Otherwise, you will never learn and fit into any group.

Miyerkules, Abril 27, 2011

a. The class can’t finish in half an hour.
b. The class won’t be finished for an hour.
c. The classes will take at least an hour.
d. The class can finish it in less than an hour.


a. Are they fixing the car?
b. I’m fixing the car.
c. Why aren’t they fixing the car?
d. The car has been fixed.


a. While I was waiting for my sister, she got the news.
b. While my sister was waiting for me, she got the news.
c. I was waiting for my sister to get the news.
d. I was waiting for my sister when I got the news.


a. He didn’t go to the gym.
b. He explained how to use the gym.
c. He told us to get to the gym.
d. He didn’t know how to get to the gym.


 a. Bill has one brother and one sister, and so does Jane.
b. Bill has one brother and a sister named Jane.
c. Bill and Jane are brother and sister.
d. Bill’s brother and sister like to be with Jane.


a. By the summer those plants will be much taller.
b. Those tall plants should be cut back when it’s warm.
c. Once it’s cold the plants won’t grow any taller.
d. The taller plants keep growing all summer long.


a. Aren’t you going to bring your coat?
b. Why didn’t I bring my coat?
c. Doesn’t that coat look warm?
d. Is it too warm to wear a coat


a. Jorge can’t come over because he has a piano lesson.
b. comes over less often since he started playing the piano.
c. Jorge played the piano when he came over.
d. Jorge’s piano lesson is over, but he’s still not coming over.

a. Few people were on the beach during the storm.
b. storm did a lot of damage along the beach.
c. Many people had already left the beach before the storm.
d. Most people did not think there would be a storm.


a. You will have to read that book soon.
b. You ought to fi nish that book on time.
c. You should have allowed more time to fi nish that book.
d. You could ask someone if they saw that book

Martes, Abril 26, 2011

16th April, 2011

Syria Protests Getting Bigger

Tens of thousands of pro-democracy protesters demonstrated in the Syrian capital, Damascus, and other cities on Friday. There were many clashes with security forces, who used tear gas and batons to disperse the crowds. The demonstrators called for reforms and greater freedom, including the end of the five-decade-old emergency law, which bans public gatherings of more than five people. Some demanded the overthrow of President Bashar Al-Assad. Friday’s unrest is the biggest since people first took to the streets in the southern city of Deraa on the 15th of March. Unlike in earlier protests, Syria’s security forces did not use lethal force. They fired their guns into the air instead of on crowds.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called on President Assad to stop using excessive force against protesters, saying: "We call on the Syrian authorities once again to refrain from any further violence against their people….The Syrian government has not addressed the legitimate demands of the Syrian people. It is time for the Syrian government to stop repressing their citizens and start responding to their aspirations." Mr Assad has promised some concessions and formed a new government on Thursday. He also announced an amnesty for many protestors detained in the past month. The Syrian leader blames the recent violence on armed gangs and has vowed to clamp down on any further unrest.

Biyernes, Abril 22, 2011

Stretch out and catch some z's !!!
MalcolmThey've just announced that our flight will be delayed by six hours.
DeirdreWhat ! Oh no ! That means it won't be leaving until 3:30 in the morning.
MalcolmI'm afraid so. What shall we do in the meantime ?
DeirdreLet's find some seats in a quiet part of the terminal where we can stretch out and catch some z's.
MalcolmSounds like a good idea. We've had a hectic day and I'm pretty tired.
DeirdreMe too. Look, there are some in that corner over there. Let's go before somebody else gets to them.


Hit The Sack!

KennyI stayed up most of the night studying for today's exams, and I'm really beat. As a matter of fact, I don't remember the last time I had a good night's sleep.
CarrollWhen you were a baby ?
KennyHa-ha! Very funny! Anyway, going to bed early is for the birds. I never hit the sack before midnight if I can help it.
CarrollJust for the record, it's been proven that if you deprive yourself of sleep, your ability to focus on mental tasks drops. In fact, not only does sleep deprivation compromise high-level thinking ability, it also is linked to hormonal changes that may cause obesity.
KennyYou don't say. Well, I think I'll take a short nap.
CarrollThat's a step in the right direction. Sweet dreams.

Huwebes, Abril 21, 2011

Reading Comprehension


My name is Terry. I want to be a firefighter. Why do I want to be a firefighter? I have many reasons. I like all the important things that firefighters do. Firefighters are heroes.

Sometimes buildings catch on fire. Firefighters put out fires. I want to put out fires.

If someone is trapped in a burning house, firefighters save them. I want to save people.

Sometimes people have accidents. Sometimes people get sick. Firefighters help them. I want to help people.

Firefighters drive big trucks. Fire trucks have loud sirens. I want to drive a big truck.

Firefighters put out fires. Firefighters save people. Firefighters help sick people. I want to be a firefighter and do all those things. Then I would be a hero, too!


1 Why does Terry want to be a firefighter?

a. Terry wants to put out fires.
b. Terry wants to help people.
c. Terry wants to drive a big truck.
d. All of the above.

2. What do fire trucks have?

a. loud sirens
b. televisions
c. dogs
d. whistles

3. Terry thinks firefighters are...

a. busy
b. heroes
c. good looking
d. popular

4. Do you want to be a firefighter? 

Miyerkules, Abril 20, 2011

Sample Passage and Questions

Complete the passages by selecting the appropriate words or phrases from among the choices below. Select the letter of your best answer.

1. Sound is something we _____.
a. hears
b. hearing.
c .heard.
d. hear. 

2.  It comes to your ______  in different ways.
a.  eyes
b.  nose
c.  ears
d.  mouth
3.  It might be pleasant, like the voice of a friend, ___ unpleasant, 
a. when
b. as
c. or
d. since the screech of a train’s wheels on a railroad ______. 
a.  station.
b.  track. 
c.  light.
d.  conductor.

5. Some sounds are loud, and some are soft; some are high, and some are ____. 
a.  full.
b.  low. 
c.  quiet.
d.  big.

6.Sound is very____________to us because it is the basic  means of communication.
a.  importance
b.  importantly  
c.  important
d.  import

Martes, Abril 19, 2011

Work Behavior that Keeps Your Boss Happy, and Makes Him Like You


The ABC's of Work Behavior

1. Attentive
2. Bold
3. Calm
4. Depend
5. Energy


- Learn to be attentive at work.
- Listen to instructions.


- Being bold means being able to face your fears.
- This also means you are willing to fail and learn from failure.


If your personality is quite naturally a calm one, this working behavior is easy. If you have a tendency to panic or you have the tendency to be temperamental then you need to work harder.

Remember if something tough is for you to tackle, create a plan to solve it. Everything else short of solid action will be inefficient use of your energy. Your bosses want someone who can help to clean the mess. You shouldn’t be part of the mess. Remain calm and composed at all times. This behavior will have your boss take a second look at you. Soon you will become someone he can depend on.


When you become a competitive advantage for your boss, your boss will like you. He/she will become dependent on you. Strive to become someone your boss can depend. How do you make this work? For starters, be a good listener and be someone your boss can trust.

Do not be tempted to get involved in office politics. The best way to stay away from office politics is to shut up.


This work behavior isn't just about physical energy. It also means mental energy. It also means infectious energy. This means you have a work behavior that can energize your unit. You are passionate about your work. People like working with you, as you seem to have endless energy. Ever noticed how a person in the office that has energy always gets the better assignments? That’s because their energy is the boss’s competitive advantage.

Biyernes, Abril 15, 2011


Person #1:  Marc, the lines for the rock festival are going to be miles long! If you expect to get tickets for you and Mary, remember that old saying,  " The early bird catches the worm ".

Person #2: I guess you're right. Mary is looking forward to the concert, and I'd hate to disappoint her. I'll get up real early to get a place at the head of the line.
That way I'll get the tickets I want, for sure !